2024 & why you should incorporate STRENGTH TRAINING into YOUR LIFE?

Did you know that STRENGTH TRAINING can help Control blood sugar levels? Strength Training is something anyone with Type 2 diabetes should incorporate into their routine. A review 2013 published in the journal BioMed Research International shows that, in addition to building muscle, strength training also improves the muscle's ability to take in and use glucose, or blood sugar.

In your muscle cells, you have these transporters that pickup glucose from the blood and deliver it to the muscle cells. Strength training improves their functioning to pick up a lot more glucose from the blood and into muscle, thereby decreasing blood sugar levels. 

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Cindy Treaster

Meet our Trainer at Real Women Lift Personal Fitness Training Studio, which is PRIVATE WOMENS ONLY STUDIO, Cindy Treaster, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, She will guide and motivate you with their knowledge of Strength, Endurance, Flexibility and Nutrition. For more information contact Cindy Treaster 904-501-5759 Realwomenlift@aol.com.

In 2024 say YES to Strength Training, the Possibilities are endless!


2024 & why you should incorporate STRENGTH TRAINING into your routine.


Real Women Lift Strength Training Schedule 2024