2024 & why you should incorporate STRENGTH TRAINING into your routine.

 Did you know that STRENGTH TRAINING can help with Osteoporosis prevention and management? Strong bodies have STRONG BONES, with STRENGTH TRAINING significantly increasing bone mineral density.

Weight-bearing exercise (Like STRENGTH TRAINING) in which you're standing and gravity is pulling down on your body lightly stresses and strengthens the bones and muscles. 

Did you know every time a muscle contracts, it pulls on the bones it's attached to, which stimulates the cells within the bone to produce structural proteins and move minerals into the bone.

“Interestingly, those who walked didn't enjoy the same boost in bone health. That's because, while any activity is going to be good for your bones, the best exercises load your bones with forces greater than those that you probably encounter in daily life. Termed "minimal essential strain," the threshold for stimulating new bone formation is generally believed to be about one-tenth of the force required to fracture the bone. "The bone responds to that stress by becoming thicker and stronger," Gazzaniga says. That's not a license to try to test out your bone strength, but you get the idea. Turn to full-body weight-bearing exercises that load your spine and hips, such as squats, lunges, deadlifts and shoulder presses, for the greatest benefit.” (https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/2016-09-09/6-ways-to-strengthen-your-bones-no-matter-your-age)

Check us out! https://www.realwomenlift.com/

Call or Text to schedule your NEW YEAR NEW INTENSITY

Cindy Treaster

Meet our Trainer at Real Women Lift Personal Fitness Training Studio, which is PRIVATE WOMENS ONLY STUDIO, Cindy Treaster, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, She will guide and motivate you with their knowledge of Strength, Endurance, Flexibility and Nutrition. For more information contact Cindy Treaster 904-501-5759 Realwomenlift@aol.com.

In 2024 say YES to Strength Training, the Possibilities are endless!


Happy Holidays!


2024 & why you should incorporate STRENGTH TRAINING into YOUR LIFE?