Use It or Lose It Part 4
There’s no quick fix when it comes to healthy aging. Know what you’re buying, and know how to spot suspicious schemes. Often, anti-aging therapies don’t live up to the claims. One thing we know for sure is the “USE IT OR LOSE IT” idiom. Lean muscle mass naturally diminishes with age. Fat not Fiction! Your body fat percentage will increase over time if you don’t do anything to replace the lean muscle you lose over time. STRENGTH training can help you preserve and enhance your muscle mass at any age! Fat not Fiction! Real Women Lift Personal Fitness Training can help women of ages age gracefully. Strength Training helps Build Bone Density! FACT not FICTION! Guess what? PROTEIN IS IMPRTANT! Ask our very own Erika Cook, who is a registration dietician.
We all know that as we age, we become less active (sit more, exercise less). That compounds a natural aging process called SARCOPENIA, which is the loss of muscle mass. By the time women near 80 years, they may have lost as much a half of their skeletal muscle mass. Which is why it is important to combine protein with your strength training. I encourage all my clients to monitor your protein intake and make sure they are enough protein to BUILD MUSCLE!
Your protein needs depend on how much you weigh. For women over 50, experts recommend 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight as a minimal. I challenge you to record your protein intake for 30 days. Now I am not saying going out and eat a diet high in protein. Make sure you have a balance diet of protein, fresh fruit and vegetables. Balance in your nutritional plan and consistency in your workout plan!
We are here to provide you with an individualized workout in a safe and sanitary environment. Your health and wellness are our first priority!
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Cindy Treaster
Are you ready to acheive your goals?
For more information contact Cindy Treaster 904-501-5759 or Tracy Robinson, at 757-652-7572 email
Meet our Trainers at Real Women Lift Personal Fitness Training Studio, which is PRIVATE WOMENS ONLY STUDIO, Cindy Treaster and Tracy Robinson, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, they will guide and motivate you with their knowledge of Strength, Endurance, Flexibility and Nutrition.
Tracy Robinson