Arm day is not just for the GUYS! Do you need an ARM DAY? YES!! One word and everyone women knows it is TRICEPS! As women age, we tend to hold more body fat in this area making triceps development more of a priority as the years pass. The Long head of the triceps sit right in that troublesome posterior (back) part of the upper arm. So, while men might focus on the horseshoe shape and thickness that develops the lateral head, most of my clients want to focus on long head exercises.
As a Personal Trainer I normally partner arm exercises with a larger muscle group. This could meal full upper-body workouts, or classic pairing like back and biceps and chest and triceps or shoulders and triceps. They give you enough stimulus to grow without overdoing it and risking a tendon injury, which as most of you know takes a long time to heal but overall muscle development is essential! Training your arms can definitely
Chest and Triceps go hand in hand. Both these muscles use the “push” Movement when engaged which means that they work o=together to push the weights away from you. When you do Dumbbell Chest Press, the secondary muscle that you use, after your chest if your triceps. Putting these to muscle groups together will makes the time I spend training my clients much more efficient. Same if true with Back and Biceps!
You can superset 2 Chest-based moves followed by 2 Triceps-focused moves, then straight sets of Flyes and finish with an intensive cardio session. You will feel the LOVE! Short and Sweet and to the Point!
Cindy Treaster
Are you ready to achieve your goals?
For more information contact Cindy Treaster 904-501-5759 or Tracy Robinson, at 757-652-7572 email
Meet our Trainers at Real Women Lift Personal Fitness Training Studio, which is PRIVATE WOMENS ONLY STUDIO, Cindy Treaster and Tracy Robinson, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, they will guide and motivate you with their knowledge of Strength, Endurance, Flexibility and Nutrition.
Tracy Robinson