How do you motived yourself to work out?
We all have those days where we plan to work out and know that we should, but when it's time to lace up your shoes and go…You. Just. Don't. Wanna!
I have those days, too, but when I remind myself how GOOD my workout makes me feel, and how it will help me reach my goals, I generally suck it up and do it anyway. Getting started really is the hardest part. Once I get going, I am generally glad that I did. And when it's over, guess what I feel even better!
But some have less willpower or commitment. Some give in to temptation to skip exercise too easily. While that's fine once in a while, it can become a hard habit to break if you skip out on your workouts too often.
One thing I tell myself is to just go for 15 minutes. If I still not feeling it, I can quit. I have yet to quit! I even find myself beating personal goals.
Listening to some music also motivates me — Everybody style of music is different. BJ brings music to the Studio of Fridays and we call it Funky Friday! Everyone is singing and getting into the groove. BJ and Marilyn nailed it on the Crunch throw Medicine Ball, BJ broke her record 100 Crunch throws! It's funny how the right music can make you move even when you think you don't want to, and it usually provides a mood boost, too!
Browsing through my training logs and seeing the progress and realizing I am getting closer and closer to my goals, is definitely highly motivating and keeps me going.
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